July 2013, a young woman named Leo and young(er than today) guy named Chris both posted respective posts on the now-defunct yogscast.com forum, both were seeking like-minded gaming nerds to collaborate with for the making of YouTube gaming content.
From those posts, Gamers Without Shoes was formed, comprising Chris Garvey, Leo Parkin, Sietse Nijdam, Steven Wallace and Wayne Muser. Plans were made, videos were created, a community was founded. Later, others such as Darth Poshie, Marcel, Rowan and Starbug Stone joined the group, however inexperience and well-meaning but flawed efforts to boost the YouTube channel meant that the project did not reach the heights hoped for. Indeed it barely got off the ground before fading into obscurity. Of the founding members, Leo went on to individual success, joining the Yogscast as a content creator a few years later. Sietse, Steven and Wayne stopped making public content, and Chris went on to create My World: Gaming, refining the naming convention from his previous world-groups.net project and continuing to build the My World Network infrastructure.
The Infinite Realities Network was founded on 11 November 2021, re-branding the previously named “My World: Gaming” division of My World Network, and formed when TormentMC, a Minecraft server, was joined by TormentPZ, a Project Zomboid server. The original intention was to run the “Torment” gaming servers as standalone entities however, six months into the partnership, the owner of TormentMC announced no further interest in the server and Infinite Realities agreed to take full ownership. Unfortunately it was not disclosed that the minecraft server hosting bill had not only not been paid, but was overdue and, as a result the server files had been irretrievably deleted. None-the-less, the server was re-launched though failed to recapture the same spirit which was lost with the original world, eventually simply being discontinued and the Torment name completely discarded.