
Historic abuse of magic has scarred the world of Gaea for millennia. Due to this, Magic became almost universally feared and hated. Some Arcane Spellcasters were lucky enough to hold positions of respect, such as an adviser to a Monarch or a Village Elder. Most were considered outlaws and hunted or killed on sight. Thus the Arcane Council was formed, an order which strictly governs the use of Arcane Magic and punishes those who would seek to destroy the fragile tolerance of magic.


Gaean Arcane Spellcasters syphon energy called Earthpower from the surrounding living things. When used, this method used labels Arcane Spellcasters as either Defilers or Preservers. Preservers have the self–control to syphon sufficient resources without destroying these sources of Earthpower. Those who do not, or who feel no remorse about the damage caused, become Defilers. Defilers leave behind sterile soil and infertile ash or worse still, drain the very life from animals, sentient creatures or in extreme cases, even objects imbued with Magical Energy, when they cast spells. To counter this act, the Arcane Council despatch enforcers known as Sentinels, gifted with spell-casting abilities by the Arcane Council, and tasked with identifying and ending the practice of defiling, by any means necessary.

Of the Divine Spellcasters, Druids are granted their powers directly from the very essence of nature, while Rangers learn to manipulate minor nature spirits.

The Corruption of Power

Defilers leave behind an ashen circle when casting spells. The radius is 5 ft. x spell slot level expended (a 0‐level spell defiles a single 5′-square occupied by the caster). Creatures, except the Defiler, caught within the defiling radius at casting time experience pain and suffer a –1 penalty to all rolls for 1 round. Plant creatures suffer 2HP damage per spell slot level expended (a 0‐level spell inflicts 1 HP damage).

Defilerʹs ash is black and totally devoid of life‐giving properties. It is the telltale sign of defilement. Nothing grows in a defiled area for years. Even if the Defilerʹs ash is dispersed by the wind, the ground remains a lifeless scar.

A Defiler cannot preserve, but a Preserver can defile if desperate.

When defiling, an Arcane Spellcaster can extend the casting time of their spells by 1 round and gain a +1 bonus to caster level in exchange for increasing the defiling radius by 5′. Spells with a normal casting time of 1 round or longer require an extra round to be cast in this manner. Experienced Defilers often increase their spellcasting power further through ‘Raze’ feats.

The Road to Corruption… And Redemption

Arcane Spellcasters who defile must roll a Will save DC 10 + spell level + total of previous defiling acts. Failure means they have lost proper self control and become Tainted. Preservers failing the save lose their Preserver status and become tainted. Tainted Arcane Spellcasters are not Defilers, but risk becoming so.

Tainted Arcane Spellcasters may seek redemption from a Druid. The Druid, if willing and able, can cast a conversion spell on the tainted Arcane Spellcaster, restoring their Preserver status (resetting the number of times defiled to zero). The Arcane Spellcaster loses 100XP per appropriate Spellcaster level. Defilers can also seek redemption, but at a cost of 1000XP per Arcane Spellcaster level.

Often, the Defiler must undertake a quest or otherwise demonstrate a true willingness to redeem themselves before the Druid casts the conversion spell.

Terrain Types

Terrain types affect Arcane Magic depending on the amount of natural life available. Barren and desolate terrains weaken spells, while fertile and abundant terrains boost spells. Spell save DCs and caster level checks are affected as indicated in Table: Terrain Modifiers. Areas (such as The Desolation), which are completely devoid of viable natural life, and do not allow Spellcasting. If Arcane Spellcasters have no alternative energy sources, or magical items, such as wands, they are unable to cast spells in such terrain.

[table “TerrainModifiers” not found /]


Gaean Wizards must conceal their “spellbooks” from rival wizards and others with ability to discern them for what they are. Spellbooks take many forms, including animal hides, stone and clay tablets, bone staves, knotted giant hair and necklaces of coloured beads. Often using personalised codes and/ or systems for organising their spells.

The Deception skill masks a spellbook’s true nature.

A sentient creature inspecting the spellbook must succeed with an opposed Arcana (countered by a Deception check), to identify it as such. Every time a new spell is added, a spellbook must be disguised again. Such an action is normally automatically successful. unless done under duress, at which point a successful Deception check is required.


Arcane Magic is almost never offered for sale.

As a result, those who do offer such services, do so at hugely inflated cost. They are almost exclusively found in Cities or Capitals.

Divine Spellcasters are less reluctant to use their powers to call upon the elements for the benefits of others. Divine Spellcasters may be found in Towns, and rarely, in Large Villages. They take care to not use their powers excessively, so as to avoid drawing the attention of the Arcane Council’s Sentinels.

Securing the services of an Arcane or Divine spellcaster is often difficult, requiring Investigation checks to locate such an available and willing spellcaster.


Though magical healing is prohibitively expensive for most Gaeans, those trained to do so, can use the Medicine skill to treat disease, injuries, and poison effectively, often in exchange for some sort of donation to their temple, before the service is performed.


Magic items are no harder to create in Gaea, though there are fewer skilled creators. In general, magic items are harder to trade throughout Gaea, as detailed in Table: Artefact Trading Thresholds.

[table “ArtefactTrading” not found /]