

Non-lethal disputes, regulated by simple rules that replace typical combat. During a brawl, you may not use class abilities (Class Spells, Additional Attacks, etc) but may utilise passive features such as Unarmoured Defence, Sense of Danger, etc.

Movement: On your turn, you may move up to your normal speed without incurring attacks of opportunity, and make one Action. Usual rules regarding occupied squares apply.

Table I: Brawler Progression
1 1 Brawl Skill/ 1 Class Feature
2 Additional Brawl Skill
3 Shrug It Off
4 Additional Brawl Skill
5 Ace In The Hole
Table II: Brawl Skills
Level Adjustment
Clothesline As an action, you may make an Attack roll (with STR or DEX modifier). If you hit, the move deals 1 Fatigue and the target is knocked Prone.
Crackin’ Skulls As an action, you may make an Attack roll (with STR modifier) that hits two different targets. The attack must be made against the highest AC. If you hit, the move deals 1 Fatigue to both targets.
Diving Drop As an action, and situationally conditional, you may make an Attack roll (with CON modifier). If you hit the target, you deal 1 Strike and the target is Stunned. You take 1 Strike as a consequence.
Drop ‘Em As a bonus action, you may make an Attack (with DEX modifier). If you hit, the target is Restrained.
Eat Floor As a bonus action, you may make an Attack roll (with INT modifier). If you hit, the target is knocked Prone.
Glasgow Kiss As a reaction, when struck, you may make an Attack roll (with STR modifier). If you hit, the move deals 1 Strike.
Hammer Time As an action, you may make an Attack (with STR modifier). If you hit, the move deals 1 Strike and the target is incapacitated.
Feint As an action, you make others believe you are unconscious. Until you make an attack, you cannot be specifically targeted by others.
Intae Them Lads! As an action, every friendly creature in the Brawl gains Advantage on their next roll related to General Actions or Strikes.
No Sell As a reaction, when struck, you may make an Attack roll (with STR or DEX modifier) against your opponent. If successful, the attacker is Stunned.
What’s This Slop? As a bonus action, may make an Attack (with DEX or WIS modifier). If you hit, the target is Blinded.
Under The Table As an action, you can benefit from a three-quarters cover. You gain a +5 bonus to AC and DEX saves.

Damage: No actual HP are lost as a result of Brawling. A successful (D20+STR+Proficiency) Prop Attack or Strike instead increases the Brawler’s Fatigue. A Natural 20 on the Attack die doubles the number of Fatigue points applied to the target.

Table III: Fatigue
Level Description Effect
1 Bruised -1 AC
2 Beaten -1 AC
3 Injured -1 AC
4 Damaged -1 AC
5 Crushed -1 AC
6 Downed

Successful Prop Attacks

Prop Attacks may also inflict additional conditions, which last until the end of the affected Brawler’s next turn.

Each character also has a number of Brawl Skills and a Class Feature (or optional Spellcaster Feature) based on their level, as indicated in the Brawl Skills, Class Features and/ or Spellcaster Features tables. These are recovered at the end of the brawl.

Anything which can be picked up may be wielded during a brawl, are called Props, and are divided into Common and Epic variations. After use, a Prop is destroyed, lost, or otherwise rendered useless. Picking up a Prop requires an Action. A Bonus action may be used to pick up a Common (but not Epic) Prop.

Common Props

Mundane items such as Bottles, Candelabras, Cutlery, Dishes, Flasks, Pokers, Pots, Stools, etc, may be used to;

Add 1d4 to an Attack Roll, in addition to other modifiers.
Use a Bonus Action to make a guaranteed Strike.
Increase the wielder’s AC by 2, as a Reaction to an opponent’s attack.

Epic Props

Barrels, Chandeliers, Chests, Companions, Decorative Suits of Armour, Tables, Trunks may be used to;

Make a guaranteed Strike.
Add the Stunned condition to the target on a successful Strike.
Strike 2 targets simultaneously (the attack must be made against the highest AC).
Increase the wielder’s AC by 5, as a Reaction to an opponent’s attack.

You may activate your Class Feature once in any single brawl event, it costs 1 Action and is determined by a D20+(Specified Ability) Attack Roll. A Brawler with the Pact Magic or Spellcasting class feature may choose to learn a Magic Feature place of a Class Feature each time they would gain a new Class Feature.

Table IV: Class Features
Barbarian – Enraged & Furious For the remainder of your turn, your Strikes and Brawl Skill actions deal 1 extra Fatigue.
Bard – Kung Fusion As a reaction, if a creature makes an attack that targets you, you may make an Attack roll (with CHA modifier) against that creature. If you hit, the creature must choose a new target within range to attack. You use this feature before the creature’s roll.
Cleric – Sacrum As an action, you may make an attack (with WIS modifier) to deal 1 Fatigue. If successful, the target is knocked Prone.
Druid – Beast Slap As an action, you may make an attack (with WIS modifier) to deal 1 Fatigue and the target becomes Frightened of you.
Fighter – Counterattack As a reaction, if a creature makes an attack that targets you, you may make an Attack roll against that creature. If you hit, the creature makes the attack against you with disadvantage.
Monk – Flurry of Slaps As a bonus action you can make 2 Attack rolls against a single chosen target.
Paladin – The Grapes Of Wrath As a bonus action, you can make one Attack roll (with STR modifier) to deal 1 Fatigue. If successful, the target is Blinded.
Ranger – The Call of the Wild As an action, and situationally conditional, you can throw a bait on a target creature. That creature gets hampered by an animal in the area. The creature is Restrained until it deals 1 Fatigue to the animal.
Rogue – Sneak A-Whack As a bonus action, you gain advantage on your next attack, and your next Class Feature of Strike deals 1 extra Fatigue.
Sorcerer, Warlock or Wizard – Arcane Blow When you make a Magic Feature, you can spend any remaining Action(s) to deal 1 extra Fatigue.
Table V: Magic Features
All Eyes On Me As an action, you can choose any single creature, that creature is Charmed by you.
Calm Down, Calm Down! As an action, you can choose any single creature, that creature cannot be struck or suffer conditions until the end of its next turn. The target creature cannot move and is incapacitated.
Complimentary Upgrade As a bonus action, you can transform a common prop into an epic prop.
Dodgevoiance When a creature attacks you, you may use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the Attack roll.
Fetor Spray As an action, you can make an Attack roll (with CHA, INT or WIS modifier). If you hit, the move deals 1 Fatigue and the target is Poisoned.
Magic Fist-fight As an action, you can make three attacks (each with CHA, INT and WIS modifiers respectively) against three different targets. The Magic Feature deals 1 Fatigue to each target hit.
Primal Scream As an action, you may choose any single creature, that creature becomes Frightened of you.
Protection from Blows As an action, choose a willing creature you can see; all attacks made against that creature have disadvantage until the end of its next turn.
Table VI: Ace in the Hole
Barbarian – Float Like A Butterfly Until the start of your next turn, you cannot take Fatigue points or suffer conditions.
Bard – Heart-breaking Note As an action, you hit the most heart-breaking note. Each brawl participant must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1 Fatigue and become Incapacitated. All friendly creatures have advantage on the saving throw.
Cleric – If You’re Listening, Help! As an action, you summon your Saints and a Stray Danger hits all your enemies.
Druid – Pollen Dust As an action, you spread a cloud of irritating pollen around you. Each brawl participant must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1 Fatigue and become Poisoned. All friendly creatures have advantage on the saving throw.

Credit to Archeron Books for the Brancalonia Setting Book, the Brawling rules from which were the inspiration for the above content.

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